OA Options Strategy Analysis Tool

Option Metrics redefined and customised to match your trading skills

Awesome Features - OA

Tips for Success: It takes a while to learn the best strategies for options trading, and it takes some people years or even decades to perfect the pieces of wisdom that bring them to success. In this Tool, you will be given useful analysis from people who have been doing this for a long time, so you don't have to learn the hard way.

Option Greeks

In options trading, we use certain Greek alphabets when describing risks associated with various positions. They are delta, gamma, theta and Vega generally known as ‘Greeks’

Interactive Pay-Off Graph

Customers can specify strategies to obtain the pay-off which is indicated by a blue line. For each strategy you need to specify the strike price and premium. The pay-off graph will change dynamically based on option price change

Option Analytics

Analytics that enables users to quickly price changes in an option's price with respect to unit changes in Greek values via an intuitive point-and-click interface using put-call ratio, Option pain, Volatility smile and other proprietary tools to enrich your trading experience

Option Algos

Now using the tool you may pass the order to the trading system once you validate the pay-off using the ultra-powerful tool called Option Algos which is arriving soon

Awesome Features - OAWeb

Tips for Success: The goal of a successful trader is to make the best trades. Money is secondary.

Option Chain

An option chain is simply a listing of all the put and call option strike prices along with their premiums for a given maturity period. The majority of online brokers and stock trading platforms display option quotes in the form of an option chain.
OAWeb displays Option Chain with Option Greeks, Implied Volatility, PCR Ratio (OI & Volume), Type and Symbols. It also computes total PCR ratio for the entire option expiry contracts or individual expiry contracts.

Interactive Pay-Off Graph

Pay-Off Graph is an illustrative way to estimate at a glance the maximum positive or negative revenue from an options position/strategy, if held until expiration.
Customers can specify strategies to obtain the pay-off which is indicated by a blue line. For each strategy you need to specify the strike price and premium. The pay-off graph will change dynamically based on option price change

Option Analytics

Analytics that enables users to quickly price changes in an option's price with respect to unit changes in Greek values via an intuitive point-and-click interface using put-call ratio, Option pain, Volatility smile and other proprietary tools to enrich your trading experience

Expected Move

Expected move is the amount that a stock is predicted to increase or decrease from its current price.

OA is the best Options Strategy Analysis Tool

Option Metrics redefined and customised to match your trading skills.

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